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Simply because #nationalsiblingsday gives me an excuse to post our iconic _realgrumpycat pic 😹

Those early spring blooms 😍 #LNK

...when you have the best intentions 🙆🏼♀️🤣🍕 ._._._._._._._

Me_ Remember when I complained about being hot__.jpgN_ Which time__.jpgMe_ ...all the times, I guess

It’s #husbandappreciationday, so I’m doing the unthinkable and venturing into this strange place cal

When it’s a Wednesday that feels like a Monday and you’re still at work and you contemplate napping

When it’s Tuesday and Daylight Savings is still kicking your ass, you pretend that the exhaustion is

Desperately need to tame this mane 🙆🏼♀️💇🏼♀️ Need recs for stylists in #LNK



It’s Friday, Friday 🎶

Temporary dog mom 🐶💁🏼♀️😆


Current mood 🌮🌮🌮 ._._._._

💁🏼♀️because someone said it’s #nationaldressday

Grandma floral goals at _gradlincoln 👌🏻🌸🌼 #LNK

Wishing you happiest of birthdays _j.u.s.t

The face you make when you score presale tickets to see _imaginedragons at _redrocksco this summer �

Accurate👌🏻 ._._._._

The laziest of Saturdays 😴😴😴
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